Privacy Policy
General Preliminary Remarks
TU Dortmund University and its IT and Media Center (ITMC) of TU Dortmund University take the protection of personal data very seriously. We process personal data which are collected when visiting our websites in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. In particular, the North-Rhine Westphalia Data Protection Act (DSG NRW) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply.
Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer of the responsible person of TU Dortmund University can be reached at:
TU Dortmund University
Data Protection Officer
August-Schmidt-Str. 4
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 (0)231-755 2593
Send email
I. Scope of Processing of Personal Data
We only process personal data of our users if this is necessary to provide a functional website and if this is required to make our contents and services available. The processing of personal data of our users takes place as a rule only after consent of the user. An exception applies in those cases where prior consent cannot be obtained for factual reasons and the processing of the data is permitted under statutory regulations.
II. Data Erasure and Duration of Storage
The personal data of the data subject will be erased or made unavailable as soon as the purpose of storage ceases to apply. Furthermore, data may be stored if this has been provided for by the European or national legislator in EU regulations, laws or other ordinances to which the responsible person is subject. The data will also be made unavailable or erased if a storage period prescribed by the named norms expires, unless the continued storage of the data is necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract.
III. Provision of the Website and Creation of Log Files
1. Description and scope of data processing
Each time our website is accessed, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the accessing computer.
The following data are collected here:
- Information about the browser type and version used
- Operating system of the user
- IP address of the user
- Date and time of access
The data are also stored in the log files of our system. A storage of this data together with other personal data of the user does not take place.
2. Purpose and legal basis for data processing
The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to allow delivery of the website to the computer of the user. For this purpose, the user's IP address must be stored for the duration of the session. (Necessity for the fulfillment of the task of the university Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR)
Storage in log files is done to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data are used to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. (Necessity for the fulfillment of the task of the university Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR).
3. Duration of storage
Processing will take place during use until the end of each session.
If the data are stored in log files, this is the case for a maximum of 24 hours. After that, the IP addresses of the users are anonymized, so that an assignment to the accessing client is no longer possible.
IV. Rights of the Person Concerned
If your personal data are processed, you are affected within the meaning of the GDPR, and you have the following rights vis-à-vis the responsible person:
If you want to exercise your rights, please contact the Data Protection Officer of TU Dortmund University.
1. Right of access by the data subject (Art. 15 GDPR)
You have the right to information about personal data concerning you that is collected, processed or, if relevant, transferred to third parties.
2. Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR)
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if the processing is based on Art. 6 (1) e or f GDPR.
3. Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)
In particular, after the legally prescribed retention periods have expired, you have the right to have your data erased.
4. Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR)
In special cases, you have the right to restrict processing. This is the case if the data processing is unlawful, if you dispute the accuracy of the data collected or if you have filed an objection to the processing. You can also request a restriction of the processing if the data are subject to an erasure obligation because the purpose of the processing has been achieved, but you need these data to assert legal claims. You must request a processing restriction.
5. Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)
You have the right to have incorrect personal data rectified.
6. Right to revoke the data protection consent declaration (Art. 7 GDPR)
You have the right to revoke your data protection declaration of consent at any time. The revocation of consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until revocation.
7. Right to complain to a supervisory authority
If you have any questions or complaints regarding data protection, you can always contact a data protection supervisory authority. In our case, the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in North Rhine-Westphalia is responsible.
Please note that this privacy policy does not apply to all parts of the TU Dortmund University website.
V. Use of YouTube Videos
On our website, we offer users the opportunity to view selected videos from YouTube directly on the site. In order to protect user data, a link to YouTube is established by clicking on a link and the video is started. Only then will data be sent to the provider. If you do not click on the link, there will be no exchange between the user and YouTube. Information about the collection and use of your data on YouTube can be found here.
VI. Web Analytics
Scope of processing of personal data
TU Dortmund University uses the open-source software tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK) to improve its websites by analyzing the surfing behavior of its users. The software works with digital fingerprints which assign online activities to a single browser session and are deleted after 24 hours. Matomo does not use cookies.
The following data are saved when individual pages of our website are accessed:
- Two bytes of the IP address of the accessing user system
- The accessed website
- The website from which the user accessed the requested page (referrer)
- The sub-pages which are accessed from the visited website
- The time spent on the webpage
- Which browser with which plug-ins, which operating system and which screen resolution is used
The software only runs on our website servers. The users’ personal data is only saved to the website server and not shared with third parties.
Preventing data recording
You can prevent the above-mentioned recording of data by activating the "Do-not-track" setting in your browser. Our Matomo system is configured to respect this setting.
VII. Contact/Suggestion Forms and E-mail Contact
1. Description and scope of data processing
On TU Dortmund University websites, there are contact/suggestion forms that can be used for electronic contact. If a user makes use of this option, the data entered in the input mask are transmitted to us and stored.
After sending the form, the following data will also be stored:
- Date and time
- URL from which the contact form was sent
For the processing of data, your consent is obtained during the submission process and reference is made to this privacy policy.
Alternatively, it is possible to contact us via the provided e-mail addresses. In this case, the user's personal data that are transmitted with the e-mail will be stored.
In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data are used exclusively for processing the conversation.
2. Purpose of data processing and legal basis
The processing of personal data from the input mask serves us solely to process the contact. In the case of contact by e-mail, this also constitutes the necessary legitimate interest in processing the data.
The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR if the user has given his consent. The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted in the course of sending an e-mail is Art. 6 (1) (e) GDPR.
3. Duration of storage
The data will be deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were collected. For the personal data from the input mask of the contact form and those sent by e-mail, this is the case when the respective conversation with the user has ended. The conversation is ended when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter in question has been conclusively clarified.
Name and Address of the Responsible Person
The responsible person within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:
TU Dortmund University
The President
August-Schmidt-Str. 4
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 (0)231/755-1
Datenschutzerklärung der TU Dortmund für soziale Netzwerke
Diese Datenschutzerklärung (Stand September 2022) gilt für das/die folgenden Social-Media-Profil/e (siehe III) der unter III aufgeführten Einrichtung der Technischen Universität Dortmund, im folgenden „Einrichtung der TU Dortmund“ genannt.
Die Einrichtung der TU Dortmund betreut den/die u.g. Accounts redaktionell. Mitverantwortlich für die Einhaltung der Datenschutzvorgaben sind neben der TU Dortmund auch die Anbieter der jeweiligen untengenannten Plattformen.
I Name und Kontaktdaten der für die Verarbeitung Verantwortlichen sowie der Datenschutzbeauftragten
Die Social-Media-Profile werden in einer gemeinsamen Verantwortung nach Art. 26 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (kurz DS-GVO) betrieben.
Verantwortlicher auf der Seite der TU Dortmund ist:
TU Dortmund
Der Rektor
Technische Universität Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Straße 4
44227 Dortmund
Telefon: 0231 755-1
Name und Anschrift des Datenschutzbeauftragten der TU Dortmund ist:
TU Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Str. 4
44227 Dortmund
Telefon: 0231 755-2593
II Verantwortliche für die Plattform(en) sind:
Facebook und Instagram
Meta Platforms Ireland Limited
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2, Irland
Datenschutzerklärung (Facebook und Instagram)
Standardvertragsklauseln (Facebook und Instagram)
III Allgemeines zur Datenverarbeitung
Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und Kategorien der betroffenen Personen
Das/die Social-Media-Account/s der Einrichtung der TU Dortmund ergänzt/ergänzen ihre Webseiten und geben Benutzer*innen die Möglichkeit, in den Dialog mit der Einrichtung zu treten.
Sobald die Benutzer*innen die Social-Media-Profile der Einrichtung der TU Dortmund in dem jeweiligen Netzwerk aufrufen, gelten die dortigen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Datenverarbeitungsrichtlinien der jeweiligen Betreiber.
Die TU Dortmund hat keinen Einfluss auf die Datenverarbeitung in den jeweiligen Netzwerken. Die bei der Nutzung des Dienstes über Sie erhobenen Daten werden von dem Anbieter verarbeitet und dabei gegebenenfalls in Länder außerhalb der Europäischen Union übermittelt. Die TU Dortmund hat keinen Einfluss auf die Art und den Umfang der durch den Anbieter verarbeiteten Daten, die Art der Verarbeitung und Nutzung oder die Weitergabe dieser Daten an Dritte, insbesondere in Länder außerhalb der Europäischen Union. Angaben darüber, welche Daten durch den Anbieter verarbeitet und zu welchen Zwecken genutzt werden, finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung jeweiligen Anbieters.
Die Einrichtung der TU Dortmund verarbeitet personenbezogene Daten zu folgenden Zwecken:
- Um Social-Media-Content zu generieren und zur Verfügung zu stellen
- Um Kontaktanfragen zu bearbeiten und mit den Nutzer*innen zu kommunizieren
- Um Kommentare und Diskussionen zu Beiträgen zu moderieren
- Um für die Zielgruppe relevante Inhalte zu erstellen
- Um auf interessante Termine und Angebote hinzuweisen
Kontakt zur zuständigen Einrichtung der TU Dortmund:
CALEDO Management
Otto-Hahn-Str. 10
44227 Dortmund
Soweit die Einrichtung der TU Dortmund für Verarbeitungsvorgänge personenbezogener Daten eine Einwilligung der betroffenen Person einholt, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DS-GVO als Rechtsgrundlage. Soweit die Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten für die Wahrnehmung der Social-Media-Arbeit erforderlich ist, dient Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. e DS-GVO als Rechtsgrundlage.
Zusammenarbeit mit Dritten
Sofern die TU Dortmund im Rahmen der Verarbeitung Daten gegenüber anderen Personen und Unternehmen (Auftragsverarbeitern oder Dritten) offenbart, sie an diese übermittelt oder ihnen sonst Zugriff auf die Daten gewährt, erfolgt dies nur, wenn dies für die Durchführung des Vertrags gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DS-GVO mit Ihnen erforderlich ist, die TU Dortmund rechtlich zu der Weitergabe verpflichtet sind oder Sie insoweit eine Einwilligung erteilt haben.
Sofern die TU Dortmund Dritte mit der Verarbeitung von Daten auf Grundlage eines sogenannten „Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrages“ beauftragt, geschieht dies auf Grundlage der Vorschriften des Art. 28 DS-GVO.
Innerhalb der Einrichtung der TU Dortmund werden personenbezogene Daten gelöscht oder gesperrt, sobald der Zweck der Speicherung entfällt. Eine Speicherung kann darüber hinaus erfolgen, wenn dies durch den europäischen oder nationalen Gesetzgeber in unionsrechtlichen Verordnungen, Gesetzen oder sonstigen Vorschriften, denen der Verantwortliche unterliegt, vorgesehen wurde. Eine Sperrung oder Löschung der Daten erfolgt auch dann, wenn eine durch die genannten Normen vorgeschriebene Speicherfrist abläuft, es sei denn, dass eine Erforderlichkeit zur weiteren Speicherung der Daten für einen Vertragsabschluss oder eine Vertragserfüllung besteht.
Die Speicherdauer von personenbezogenen Daten innerhalb der Social-Media-Plattformen ist von den jeweiligen Plattformbetreibern abhängig. Die TU Dortmund hat keinen Zugriff auf die Daten, die die Plattformbetreiber speichern.
Daten können darüber hinaus auch gespeichert werden, um rechtswidrige Inhalte, die durch Nutzer*innen auf den Social-Media-Accounts der Einrichtung der TU Dortmund landen, innerhalb der Redaktion zu sichern. Die Identität der Verfasser*innen solcher Inhalte ist deshalb von Interesse.
Bei Belangen der persönlichen Kommunikation (beispielsweise in Bezug auf Direktnachrichten an den/die Kanäle der Einrichtung der TU Dortmund) können Sie Betroffenenrechte gegenüber der TU Dortmund geltend machen (z.B. Löschung eines Chatverlaufs beantragen). Für alle weiteren Belange wenden Sie sich direkt an die Social-Media Plattformen. Gegenüber den Verantwortlichen stehen Ihnen folgende Rechte zu, wenn personenbezogene Daten von Ihnen verarbeitet werden:
- das Recht auf Auskunft nach Art. 15 DS-GVO,
- das Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung nach Art. 16 und 17 DS-GVO,
- das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung nach Art. 18 DS-GVO,
- das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit nach Art. 20 DS-GVO,
- das Recht auf Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung nach Art. 21 DS-GVO,
- Recht auf Widerruf der Einwilligung für künftige Verarbeitungen nach Art. 7 Abs. 3 DS-GVO.
Eine automatisierte Entscheidung im Einzelfall einschließlich Profiling findet nicht statt.
Zudem haben Sie das Recht, sich bei einer Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde über die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch uns zu beschweren. Weitere Rechte, die Sie gegenüber den Plattformbetreibern haben (insbesondere das Recht auf Widerspruch gegen bestimmte Verarbeitungen durch die jeweiligen Plattformen oder auf Widerruf einer gegenüber einer der genannten Plattformen erteilten Einwilligung) sind in der Datenrichtlinie der jeweiligen Plattformen beschrieben (Link siehe oben).
Detaillierte Erläuterungen können Sie in der allgemeinen Datenschutzerklärung der TU Dortmund nachlesen.
Änderungen dieser Erklärung
Die TU Dortmund behält sich das Recht vor, diese Datenschutz-Informationen nach Bedarf zu ändern oder zu ergänzen. Die Änderungen werden an dieser Stelle veröffentlicht. Daher sollten Sie diese Seite regelmäßig aufrufen, um sich über den aktuellen Stand der Datenschutzerklärung zu informieren.
TU Dortmund University Privacy Policy for Social Networks
This privacy policy (as of September 2022) applies to the following social media profile(s) (see III) of the TU Dortmund University institution listed under III, hereinafter referred to as "TU Dortmund University institution".
The TU Dortmund University institution is editorially responsible for the account(s) listed below. In addition to the TU Dortmund University, the providers of the respective platforms listed below are also jointly responsible for compliance with data protection requirements.
I Name and contact details of the controllers and data protection officers
The social media profiles are operated under a joint responsibility pursuant to Art. 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO for short).
The person responsible on the TU Dortmund University page is:
TU Dortmund University
The Rector
Technische Universität Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Strasse 4
44227 Dortmund
Telephone: ++49 (0) 231 755-1
Name and address of the data protection officer of TU Dortmund University is:
TU Dortmund
Data Protection Officer
August-Schmidt-Str. 4
44227 Dortmund
Telephone: ++49 (0) 231 755-2593
II Responsible for the respective platforms is/are:
X / formerly Twitter
Twitter International Company
One Cumberland Place
Fenian Street
Dublin 2
D02 AX07
Privacy policy (X / formerly Twitter)
Standard contractual clauses (X / formerly Twitter)
III General information on data processing
Purpose of data processing and categories of data subjects
The social media account(s) of the TU Dortmund University institution complement(s) its web pages and give(s) users the opportunity to enter into a dialog with the institution.
As soon as users access the institution of the TU Dortmund University's social media profiles in the respective network, the terms and conditions there and the data processing guidelines of the respective operators apply.
The TU Dortmund University has no influence on the data processing in the respective networks. The data collected about you when using the service is processed by the provider and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union. TU Dortmund University has no influence on the type and scope of the data processed by the provider, the type of processing and use, or the transfer of this data to third parties, in particular to countries outside the European Union. Information about which data is processed by the provider and for which purposes can be found in the privacy policy of the respective provider.
The institution of TU Dortmund University’s social media team processes data for the following purposes:
- To generate and provide social media content
- To process contact requests and communicate with users
- To moderate comments and discussions on posts
- To evaluate which content is relevant for users and adapt the content accordingly
- To point out interesting dates and offers of the TU Dortmund University
Contact the responsible institution of TU Dortmund University:
CALEDO Management
Otto-Hahn-Str. 10
44227 Dortmund
X / formerly Twitter:
Legal basis
Insofar as the institution of TU Dortmund University obtains the consent of the data subject for processing operations involving personal data, Article 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. a DS-GVO serves as the legal basis. Insofar as the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of social media work, Art. 6 (1) p. 1 lit. e DS-GVO serves as the legal basis.
Cooperation with third parties
Insofar as the TU Dortmund University discloses data to other persons and companies (processors or third parties) in the course of processing, transfers it to them or otherwise grants them access to the data, this will only be done if it is necessary for the performance of the contract pursuant to Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 lit. b DS-GVO with you, the TU Dortmund University is legally obligated to disclose the data or you have given your consent in this respect.
If TU Dortmund commissions third parties with the processing of data on the basis of a so-called "order processing agreement", this is done on the basis of the provisions of Art. 28 DS-GVO.
Storage duration
Within the institution of TU Dortmund University, personal data is deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage no longer applies. Storage may also take place if this has been provided for by the European or national legislator in Union regulations, laws or other provisions to which the person responsible is subject. Data will also be blocked or deleted if a storage period prescribed by the aforementioned standards expires, unless there is a need for further storage of the data for the conclusion or performance of a contract.
The storage period of personal data within the social media platforms depends on the respective platform operators. TU Dortmund University has no access to the data stored by the platform operators.
Data may also be stored in order to secure illegal content that users post on the institution of TU Dortmund University's social media accounts within the editorial team. The identity of the authors of such content is therefore of interest.
Data subject rights
For concerns regarding personal communication (for example, in relation to direct messages to the institution of TU Dortmund University’s channels), you can assert data subject rights against TU Dortmund University (e.g., request deletion of a chat history). For all other concerns, contact the social media platforms directly. You have the following rights vis-à-vis the responsible parties if personal data of yours is processed:
- the right to information according to Art. 15 DS-GVO,
- the right to rectification or erasure according to Art. 16 and 17 DS-GVO,
- the right to restriction of processing according to Art. 18 DS-GVO,
- the right to data portability according to Art. 20 DS-GVO,
- the right to object to processing pursuant to Art. 21 DS-GVO,
- Right to withdraw consent for future processing pursuant to Art. 7(3) DS-GVO.
An automated decision in individual cases including profiling does not take place.
In addition, you have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your data by us. Other rights you have vis-à-vis the platform operators (in particular the right to object to certain processing by the respective platforms or to revoke consent given to one of the aforementioned platforms) are described in the data policy of the respective platforms (see link above).
Detailed explanations can be found in the general privacy policy of TU Dortmund University.
Amendments to this declaration
TU Dortmund University reserves the right to change or amend this data protection information as required. The changes will be published here. Therefore, you should visit this page regularly to inform yourself about the current status of the privacy policy.
Name and Address of the Responsible Person
The responsible person within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other data protection regulations is:
TU Dortmund University
The Rector
TU Dortmund University
August-Schmidt-Str. 4
44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 (0)231/755-1